Thursday, October 20, 2005

Life's Shifts

So all, I must take the time to formally appoligize for not posting anything in a month. Life's shifting once again for me----no longer in Florida, my computer charger has passed into the next life and I still haven't replaced it yet, and only have very slow dial-up on my house computer in Ironton. Yes, I am back in the armpit of the universe. Maybe it is more like a black hole, sucking matter up and crushing it. Clearly, the polluted Tri-state air is getting to me! I need a break.

I'm gonna make this brief as I am at the Lawrence County Public Library and a few weirdos are around me. This picture is the Lawrence County Court House in the fine little town of Ironton where I grew up. The Ohio River is behind the buildings and the hills in the background are in Kentucky.

My reason for leaving Florida was that my housing fell through very suddenly. I needed to get out and the family I was living with needed their normal routine back. So here I am now, back in good ol' Ironton, home of Tanks Memorial Stadium, crackheads and methlabs. Hey, where else can you go to a gas station and ask for a party pack only to be handed a brown paper bag filled with a Chore-boy (filter), tire gauge(crack pipe) and lighter (fire it up)? None other than the tri-state area of OH, KY and WV.

Right after I got back a few weeks ago I was totally lost and didn't know what to do with my time. My foot was feeling much better so I went to Athens, OH, after two days of being h0me to relive some college life. Yeah, definetely not in college anymore. I felt like an old lady and pe0ple looked at me weird at the bars (maybe that was just me feeling weird and imagining things). Or maybe not.

Anyway, the next day I started training with the Red Cross to be deployed down South to help with Katrina relief efforts. I put in two full days of training and now am just waiting. Quite honestly I'm not a very patient person and would like to be sent already for my three weeks of super-volunteering. Also I need to start studying for the GRE as I want to go back to grad school, maybe Peace Corp. So that is my life right now in a nut shell----Oh, and I have been washing cars for my dad, hiking at Lake Vesuvius and started running again. Not so bad I guess.

Overall, life is good. I'm trying to make the best out of my time here though I am greatly saddened by the fact that I left Florida without haveing confessed my undying love for Vinny Lecavalier. Oh well, That's Life as Frankie Sinatra fades into the background...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog was dynamite! I thought your blog on college dorms is really awesome!

Happy double oooh seven to you, and all your visitors!

11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is really incredible! I thought your blog on college dorms are really fantastic!Happy double oooh seven to you, and all your visitors!

11:28 PM  

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