Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun-We DONT want to be groped by Nasty men
So, yes, the Groper came into my life suddenly and much to my unexpected disgust. The Friday when I FINALLY got to go out on the big town of Clearwater at Bricktown 54, I got to meet a few people and dance. I cut it up to some classic fab tracks such as 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and "It's Raining Men". Cindi, of course, will always have a special place in my heart. But with every high there is a low supposedly, right? Well, my low was the pool guy I was set up with dry humping me on the dance floor. Oh, how jealous can everyone be? I imagine the envy waves that are beaming towards me right at this moment as this is being read.

To make a horrible experience short, Pool Boy decides he wants to sleep on the futon with me at the couples's house I went out with to the club where I planned on staying for the evening after my Jaeger and cheap tequila soaked in all of the way. My solution to this was to go to sleep immediately as to avoid any unwanted situations. I thought I was safe as the babysitter of the three children was in the same room on the couch. NO-WRONG. I wake up in the middle of the night to being majorly groped by this pool guy. Hence, The Groper! Not once, but twice! Then after the second time I tell him to stop, trying to be quite all the while to not wake and freak the 12-year-old babysitter out, he actually has the nerve to ask me if he can kiss me! What a nightmare! I can't say I was pleased. When 7am rolled around, my ass was out of there.

After complaining about not having anything to do for soooo long and finally this is what I get-A Pool Boy Groper in the middle of the night with a coy fish tattoo. Sweet ass luck I've got. Didn't Janet Jackson write a song once about men such as this once before????

"I'm not a prude, I just want some respect
So close the door if you want me to respond
Cause privacy is my middle name
My last name is control
No, my first name ain't baby,
It's janet... ms. jackson if you're nasty"

-Janet Jackson, "Nasty"

Like Rodney Dangerfield, I can't get no respect!


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