Thursday, August 11, 2005

After five fabulous years of college life at Ohio University, college regurgitated me into the real world for the first time this past June. Shocked by this forward thrust into reality, I began questioning a few things in my life such as: where am I gonna live, what am I gonna do and how in the hell am I going to repay $44,ooo in Student Loans.

Within one day I came up with a plan (the day of graduation none the less when everyone else was celebrating and I was serving those people beer instead partaking in the festivities)-move to Florida, the Sun Shine State to aleviate myself somewhat of the loans by starting a professional career in order to move forward in my life (sorry Skull patrons, I wish I could serve you beer for the rest of my life but unfourtunately Uncle Sam just might come after me or I might die of 2nd hand smoke inhalalation as Wolfie will never fix the ghetto-rigged ventilation system).

Now I am entering my 26th day with the Unger family in St. Petersburg, Florida. The past few friendless and jobless weeks have been filled with endless reality television and checking and rechecking new posts on Craigslist. So far my mind is so exhausted from the oh-so-mind-expanding-material such as the entertaining Tara Reid's Wild on E! and Hugh Hefner's one and only The Girls Next Door. If I was Holly (Hef's # 1 girlfriend), I wouldn't want the other girlfriends living with me either!

Between Tara, Hugh and the girls, I mix in some job hunting by using Richard N. Bolles' What Color is Your Parachute as my guide that has proved to be extremely helpful if not lifesaving. For someone like me, it has helped me to understand I want a lifechanging job and not just a sit-behind-the-desk-ALL-DAY kind of gig. My search is starting to pay off as I have sought out contacts in the area through Unger friends as well as Ohio University alumni. Everyone's heard that it is who you know, right? For me the alumni connection has proved the most fruitful by bearing possible internships with major corporations. Keep all fingers crossed for me.

On the friendless note, this is not an easy subject. I have made one friend named Jake, but I have started to think he is just using me. Every time I dont' let him lick my plate after dinner he sulks and walks away and lays on the floor. If I could only make more than one friend like David Hasselhof, I would be set. I can only get one golden retriever friend damnit.

The Ungers have offered to introduce me to their friends at church that are my age, but that is not my cup of tea. I informed Susan after she told me about a girl she thinks has loosened up that I might get along with that I need friends that are extremely loosened up. Maybe I'm being too picky and I guess I'm not in any place to be able to judge people as I'm the one in a new place-not the chuch people. One of my old friends talked about the subject with me and offered her advice. It was this: "You know the ______ family that always went to Central Christian Church practically five times a week? Well, the oldest _____ girl was the most wild slut in Ironton, Abby." Words of wisdom. Just maybe this Sunday I will take her advice and make some wild, slutty friends to add some spice to very own reality Florida adventure. It may be an excuse to leave Tara's adventures behind.


Blogger Komiza said...

Love you blog Abs - especially the pic of Hasselhoff, and such a good one about furthering your cause as a slut by going to church - I'm going to try that one this Sunday as well.

you know what else works well, that I've been doing the past couple weeks...? I rented a very fast masculine car then put postings on the internet that it was for sale - you should see the hot men that have replied! I'm going for a test drive with three of them this weekend...

7:01 AM  

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