Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Tomorrow I Grow Up

Well, exactly one month since my arrival and I have accomplished one of the things I set out to do: I am employed. Just the day after my interview with the St. Pete Times Forum crew and I got the call saying they wanted me for their marketing internship. Needless to say I am extremely excited and ready to learn all about my new position. It may not be a job job job but I am certainly hoping it will lead me to a much better job afterwards then I could have gotten now without it. This will take me down a path very different that one that would resemble life in Office Space. Guaranteed, I would end up in my cubicle mumbling something to myself about my stapler.

So these next three months I will get to decide if I like marketing. Maybe it will be the thing I want to pursue for a career but then again, maybe not. Regardless, it's a start because Magazine Journalism wasn't getting me anywhere. I also think I'm more of a people person than just magazine jour and with my internship I will get a variety of experience in PR, marketing and advertising. Sounds very creative. Ohhhh, and I will get to watch the Tampa Bay Lightning games in an area where I wouldn't have to worry about getting hit in the face with a hockey puck (my great fear of the game) I was told in my interview. They also won the Stanley Cup last so this season should be pretty much sold out. Sounds like the job will have its perks. It had damn well better as I am not getting paid a DIME. I may be wearing my Anne Taylor wardrobe now to my job but not have enough money to buy toothpaste or gas to get to Tampa.

Gasoline brings me to the subject of my little silver Honda Civic. The car is officially mine so that means I have to officially start paying my own car insurance. Yes, I have had the luxury of not doing this until just now father does have a car lot making it cheap for him to get me insurance. That is up until now when I have to pay for it myself. I went to get insurance today and found that I have to pay $150 + per month just for liability for the little Civ. At my age the only way to lower the rate to get an adult rate would be to get a good student discount(just finished the five full years of college-no more for the moment), the more drastic pop out a kid or marriage. Kids and marriage will automatically get any female rates for an adult no matter the age. But I put myself through five years of college, come out with a degree, no marriage or kids and I'm the one who is not considered an adult and is more of a risk. Why is everything in the world so ass backwards?

On this note it is time for bed. Job tomorrow, crazy shoe shopping for job I forgot to mention and outrageous insurance makes for a stressful day. Needless to say, I ran this evening.


Blogger Komiza said...

maybe you could rent someone's baby when you go to get your insurance - or take a picture of yourself in a diaper and send it to them...

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

abby, stop dissing people who don't have the same ideas that you do. :) I believe this is what you may be doing by not wanting to meet people who attend church.

3:31 PM  
Blogger Komiza said...

who the hell are you anonoymous? take a xanax and chill the hell out - church people are lame. yeah you heard me. lamos. like way lamos. you should check out the church of my bum some time.

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Abby, love your blog. Hilarious stuff on there :) Good luck with your internship, and I hope it turns into a full-time position! It better turn full-time seeing how those bastards are going to make you work 40 hours a week without pay!

8:58 PM  

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