Monday, August 15, 2005

My SUPER life
Monday: (the day after I was considering going to church to meet some super sluts and then realized that I don't need friends bad enough to go to church even to find the wild church-goers). To bring everyone up to date it calls going back to the day after my first post. I received rather welcoming news that my friend Anne had a friend coming to the area for the weekend. Of course at hearing the news I was dumbstruck at the idea of having a pseudo weekend friend and plans so I immediately called her. She confirmed that yes, she would be coming on Saturday to St. Petersburg from Orlando, and we could go out in St. Pete for some live music and drinks. Sounded too good to be true----me---have a night on the town????!!!!!?! I feared if these plans would come through then I would get so inebriated I would throw up all of the drinks I had waited so long to get in Florida. Well, my luck, as I sat at a great Thai dinner with the fam, I get the news that no, Abby- you will not be going out and have a puking good time. So I went running instead.

At least with my boring life I have for the first time in my life started running on a regular basis. For me this is not an easy task. Running is not one of those things I enjoy, as I hate being out of breath. Always about halfway through my run I wish people could come and wisk me away to a place where breathing hard does not exist. The worst part about when I work out is the color my face turns. RED. I'm not talking, just a little bit of blood flowing, I'm mean, it looks like my head is going to explode. That is basically how it feels too. It has felt good to run though and easy to gage my distance. The place where I live is a circle that is .5 of a mile around so a few times does the trick for me just starting out.

After the Saturday night disappointment and run, I woke up on Sunday feeling lethargic and bored. The day drug on and
on until finally dinner arrived. During the day I had a bit of a disagreement with Susan about some moral/family values issues--a.k.a.-gays are not part of any of these three words. Maybe that is being a bit harsh but from my liberal standpoint, it's not easy for me to understand those who don't want equal rights for others. Leave it up to your higher being to judge those who so thoughtlessly want to marry and to create the pivotal point of corruption in United States. Amen.

To let off some steam and get out of the house I decided to take a walk on the beach to watch
the sunset. Avoiding the dead puffer fish and parrot fish from the red tide was only a small distraction as I watched the sun sizzle into tomorrow. This definitely helped to calm my nerves and prepare me for my Monday interview for an internship with the St. Pete Times Forum that would be in promoting, advertising, public relations and marketing for the concert and NHL venue.

Parking at the forum was more nerve wracking than the interview itself. I attempted to get into the parking garage but the long jointed arm refused to budge for me so I parked on the street in a 30 minute meter spot. The interview went well other than the fact that I won't be paid for forty hours a week, four weeks a month, for three to four months. So it goes. But to top it off (don't get me wrong, it would and will be an amazing opportunity when for me when the offer me the internship later in the week--and i really appreciate it), I walked back to my car to find that my meter had run out two minutes before I got out of my interview and I had been issued a 25 dollar ticket. So not only do I not get paid for the internship, but it cost me $25.00 just to interview. Excellent start in Tampa.

But....I'm keeping my head up. (I did
get lost directly after the meeting and ticket incident trying to find a mall, but who's counting hits and misses, huh?) Maybe I'll meet a super star on my internship to whisk me away from all of this to a place where dreams really do come true. Until that day arrives, I'm going for a run.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who has the courage to move away from an economically deprived area to make something of their life will have more friends than you will ever imagine. You make friends everywhere you go. The first day I met you, I knew we'd be friends for life.

10:22 AM  

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